Heme Iron
- Meat, poultry, fish
- Plants
- Dairy
- Influenced by enhancers and inhibitors
- Vit C enhances
- Phytates inhibit
- Polyphenols - fruits, veg, soy, coffee, tea
Heme iron digestion:
- Proteases released from globin
- Not affected by enhancers / inhibitors
NON-Heme iron digestion:
- HCl and proteases released from food
- Affected by enhancers / inhibitors
- Enhancers
- Sugars
- Acids and acidic pH
- Mucin
- Meat & fish
- Poultry
- Inhibitors
- Alkaline pH
- Polyphenols (coffee)
- Oxalic acids (spinach, tea)
- Phytic acids (whole grains, legumes)
- Phosvitin
- Divalent cations\
Heme-Iron Absorption
- Absorbed intact by carrier protein (Heme Carrier Protein 1)
- Degraded in enterocyte to separate iron
NON-heme Iron Absorption
- Reductases reduce ferric iron Fe3+
- Ferrous iron Fe2+ absorbed via DMT1 transporter
Iron in the Enterocyte:
- Used for gut cell functions
- Transported into circulation
- Requires oxidation in Fe3+ state
- Requires hephaestin and ferroportin
- Hepcidin controls ferroportin
- Hepcidin made in liver
- High iron levels trigger more Hepcidin and leads to less Iron in circulation
- Low iron levels trigger less Hepcidin and more Iron in circulation
- Stored, may be excreted
- Stored in ferritin
- Cells live 2-3 days
- Transferrin transport
- Carries iron absorbed from gut (protects body from oxidizing potential of iron)
- Carries recycled iron
- Carrier iron released from storage
- Cell membrane uptake via transferrin receptors
- Stored in liver bone marrow spleen
- Primarily as ferritin
- Hemosiderin used when iron high
Iron is recycled extensively
- Reticuloendothelial cells take up old RBCs
- Haptoglobin and hemopexin clean up iron from hemolyzed RBCs
- Excretion via:
- Intestines
- Skin
- Kidneys
- Menses
Oxygen transport
- Hemoglobin - 2/3rd of total body iron
- Myoglobin - capillary blood to myocytes
- Cytochromes
- moves protons
- Other enzymes
- Iron bond to sulfur
- Mono-oxygenases & Di-oxygenases
- Amino acid metabolism
- Synthesis of neurotransitters, carnitine, collagen
- Peroxidases
- Antioxidant role ~ catalase
- Immune defense
- Thyroid hormone synthesis ~ peroxidase
- Do not take iron with calcium and zinc supplements
- At risk
- new borns
- Menses
- Malabsorption
- Antacids
- Vegetarian
- Genetic
- Nongenetic
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